الجمعة، 29 مايو 2009

نسخة الشرق الأوسط الداعمه للعربية

نسخة الفوتو شوب الداعمة للغة العربية والمنتظرة من قبل الجميع قمت برفعها على
15 سيرفر مقسمه الى 7 روابط كل رابط 150 ميجا باستثناء الاخير 70 ميجا يرجى
التأكد من تحميل الملفات كامله قبل فك الضغط وقراءه ملف التكست المرفق في الملف المضغوط قبل التسطيب

شرح التثبيت منقول من أحد الاخوة الفاضلين الذي قام بالشرح
بشكل جيد فلم يكن هناك داع لاعادته

الأحد، 24 مايو 2009

13B (2009)

(2009) 13B

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In today's world, the major source of relief, information and entertainment is the TV. So much so, that it has moved up from its modest position of being just another 'household appliance' to actually determining the power equation in a family. It is easy to identify the hierarchy in the family depending on who controls the remote control. So what happens when the TV realizes this power and begins to take control? What happens when instead of showing you the facts, the TV, begins to show you what it wants you to see? What happens when Manohar, to his great horror, realizes that this is exactly what is happening with his wonderful family, who has just moved into their sweet new home at 13B.

يعد التليفزيون في عالمنا اليوم هو المصدر الاول للاخبار والترفيه ،وهذا قد حوله من مجرد كماليات في البيت الى شيء يحدد المعادله الكهربائيه في المنزل.
من السهل تحديد هرمية العائله عن طريق العائل الاساسي لها،لكن مالذي يحصل حينما يصبح التليفزيون هو المسيطر،ما الذي سيحصل انه بدلا من ان يرك الحقيه يعرض لك ما يرغب ان يريك اياه حتى لو لم يكن صادقا،ما الذي سdيحصل ل (مانوهور) ولخوفه الاعظم حينما يدرك ما يحصل لعائلته الرائعة
والتي انتقلت الى بيت جيد في 13B !!! هذا ما سنعرفه مع فلمنا الرائع


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SCARCE (2008)

(SCARCE (2008

SCARCE depicts the gruesome fate of three lost snowboarders trapped at an isolated forest cabin owned by two menacing locals who harvest human flesh. As the day of the slaughter nears, they attempt to escape barefoot through the frozen wilderness.

الفلم بروي قصة مأساوية لثلاثة شبان علقو في عاصفة ثلجية في غابة معزولة ,تحت

تهديد اثنان من السكان المحليين من أكلة لحوم البشر ،وعند اقتراب يوم الذبح يحاولو

الهروب حفاة فوق الثلج من هذا المصير المشئوم فهل ينجحون في هذا ، أم......

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Marley & Me (2008)

Marley & Me (2008)

After their wedding, newspaper writers John and Jennifer Grogan move to Florida. In an attempt to stall Jennifer's "biological clock", John gives her a puppy. While the puppy Marley grows into a 100 pound dog, he loses none of his puppy energy or rambunctiousness. Meanwhile, Marley gains no self-discipline. Marley's antics give John rich material for his newspaper column. As the Grogans mature and have children of their own, Marley continues to test everyone's patience by acting like the world's most impulsive dog.

وتدور أحداثه حول زوجين شابين يعملان صحفيين ينتقلان حديثا إلى فلوريدا حيث يشتريان منزلاً ويقتنيان جروًا
لطيفًا يطلقان علية اسم "مارلى" إلا أنه سرعان ما يشب ليصبح كلبًا مشاكسًا يحيل حياتهما إلى جحيم من خلال سلسلة من
المواقف الفكاهية

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Echelon Conspiracy (2009)

Echelon Conspiracy (2009)

A young American engineer comes into possession of a cell phone that bestows unlimited wealth upon him, never realizing the danger posed to him by the device until security agents close in and start shooting to kill. Now, as a frantic chase across the continents gets under way, the stability of the entire world hangs in the balance. Shane West stars in a globe-trotting action thriller featuring Ving Rhames, Jonathan Pryce, and Martin Sheen. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

جهاز نقال كان البداية يصل الى يد المهندس الأمريكي الشاب ويقلب حياته رأسا على عقب

بجعله يفوز في الكازينو الى ان ينتبه ضابط الامن الى ذلك ويقبض عليه فهل تنتهي القصه هنا ؟!!

بالطبع لا فالجهاز النقال كان الوسيلة فقط انما التدبير كان من (ايشلون ) فما هو (ايشلون) هذا

وكيف تمكن من فعل ما فعله وهل سينهي الأمر هنا أم ....

هذا ما سنعرفه مع اروع افلام العام

أتمنى لكم مشاهدة طيبه


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Nothing But Truth (2008)

(Nothing But Truth (2008

In Washington, D.C., a female reporter faces a possible jail sentence
for outing a CIA agent and refusing to reveal her source.

في العاصمة واشنطن تقوم الصحفية بنشر أخبار عن عميلة لل CIA بعد حصولها على
هذه المعلومات من "مصدر" تأبى ذكر اسمه وتعرض نفسها للسجن بسبب ذلك
فمن هو هذا المصدر وكيف تحصت منه على هذه المعلومات!!!
ومالذي سيحصل لها استبقى في السجن ام تخرج !!!
الفلم من اجمل الافلام التي ممكن ان تروها في حياتكم.

أتمنى لكم مشاهدة طيبه

أتمنى لكم مشاهدة طيبه


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The Caller (2008)

(2008) The Caller

STARRING 2009 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE® FRANK LANGELLA (BEST ACTOR, FROST/NIXON) Jimmy Stevens (FRANK LANGELLA), a senior VP for E.N. Corporation, sets up his own assassination after sending a damaging but anonymous email with deflated sales figures for his company and attaching a video-clip containing sinister images of a clandestine burial at the energy firm's factory in Latin America. In New York the wheels of the corporation spin into action using contacts, Teddy and Sammy, from the underground to track down the whistleblower. Jimmy fears for his life, and, using the pseudonym John Doe , hires Frank Turlotte (ELLIOTT GOULD), a private detective, to follow a man and track his movements. Disguising his voice, Jimmy does not tell Turlotte that the person who has hired him, and the man he is to trail are one and the same. Increasingly obsessed with Turlotte's opinion of his life, Jimmy engages in a game of cat and mouse, phoning Turlotte each evening for a report, and taunting him into discovering more and more details of his life. Jimmy eventually tells Turlotte that his job is over except for one more meeting in Redhook, Brooklyn. Turlotte is now intrigued enough to get to know Eileen (LAURA HARRING), a jazz singer and Jimmy's companion, and her seven-year-old daughter, Lila. Jimmy tells Lila a story about his childhood in 1940s France: One day towards the end of the war, Jimmy and his friend Lulu found a dying soldier in the woods. The soldier had requested that Lulu stay with him until his death. It was an episode that has haunted Jimmy ever since, and initiated his greatest wish, that he should not die alone


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Du saram-yida (2007)

Du saram-yida

After witnessing a family member thrown of a balcony by her fiance on her wedding
day and the violent stabbing of her aunt, a young woman comes to realize she may
be next in line. She desperately tries to find out why those around her turn on her
and why she seems marked for death. Who can she trust - where can she turn for
help when it seems everyone is out to get her. If only she can survive the murderous
rage of friends and even her own family long enough to uncover the secret.

بعد مشاهدتها لأحد افارد عائلتها يلفى من الشرفة عن طريق خطيبها في يوم زفافها وقيام الأخير
بطعن عمتها بوحشية ,الفتاه اصبحت تعتقد انها ستكون التالية ز وبدات في محاولة معرفة لم
أصبح كل من حولها يموت ,وكان عليها اخفاء سر بحثها عن اقاربها وعائلتها فهل تنج في هذا؟!!
هذا ما سنتعرفه مع فلمنا الرائع

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Perkins 14 (2009)

Perkins 14 (2009)

On the 10th anniversary of his son's kidnapping, a small town cop finds
a connection to Ronald Perkins, a mysterious loner he just picked up
for a traffic violation. Investigating Perkins further, he finds that he is
behind 14 kidnappings from a decade ago, the children now released
and drug-enhanced monsters as a means of revenge upon the townspeople.
Ultimately, the town is placed under a state of emergency, and the officer,
with his family, make their stand-off in the locked-down local prison.
When the son, Kyle, leads the barbaric charge to the prison, the family
must do what they can to redeem the young man, and bring back
his humanity, or else become the next victims of Perkins' 14.

في الذكره العاشره لاختطاف ابنه ,يعثر على صله مع (رونالد بيركنز) رجل غامض اوقفه
لمخالفه مروريه .التحقيق مع (بيركنز) يوصله الى انه وراء اختطاف 14 طفلا ,
وقام بتحويل هؤلاء الأطفال الى وحوش للانتقام من أهل بلدته، توضع البلده
في حالة طواريء والشرطي وعائلته يختبؤن في أحد السجون ,وعلى العائلة
فعل ما تستطيع لارجاع الفتى الى انسانيته والا سيصبحون الضحية الجديدة لعصابة Perkins 14

اتمنى أن ينال اعجابكم


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Slaughter (2009)


A young woman looks to escape her abusive life by moving to her family’s farm near Atlanta. Unfortunately, she learns her place of supposed comfort offers more terrifying forms of abuse..

امرأة شابه تسافر الى مزرعة لأهلها بعد الهروب من صديقها السابق وحياتها البائسه

وتجد ان امور غريبه تحدث في المزرعة شباب يأتو ولا يخروجون ثانيتا,

تجد بقايا ل .... وما سر ذلك المبنى وما الذي يحويه , هذا ما سنعرفه مع فلمنا الرائع


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From Within (2008)

When the citizens of a small evangelical town systematically
begin committing suicide, a young girl struggling to reconcile her
Christian upbringing with her desire to experience the
outside world finds her faith put to the ultimate test.

عندما يبدأ مواطنو بلدة صغيره بالانتحار , تحاول الفتاة الابتعاد
عن ذلك وترى نفسها اما اختبار حقيقي لايمانها ,فهل تنجح بذلك ؟!!!


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The Brøken (2008)

On a busy street in London, Gina thinks she sees herself drive past in

her own car. Stunned by this strange event, Gina follows the mystery

woman up to her apartment. From here, events take an eerie turn for

the worse until Gina's awareness slides from solid reality

into a world that will haunt more than just her nightmares..

الفيلم يتابع قصة "جينا"، وهي دكتورة تعمل في مجال الأشعة، وتواجه حالة غريبة من تحطُّم المرايا من حولها طوال الوقت،

قبل أن تشاهد نسخة أخرى منها هي شخصيًا، تقود سيارتها وتتجه مبتعدة عنها، فتقرر طبعًا أن تلاحقها.

ومن هنا تبدأ الأحداث بالتعقد بالنسبة لـ"جينا"، ويبدأ عالمها بالتحطم من حولها، كأنما هو مرآة آخرى تتكسر أمام عينيها.

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Sex Drive (2008)

Eighteen-year-old Ian Lafferty sets out on a cross country drive with his best friends Lance and Felicia in order to lose his virginity to a red-hot babe he met on the Internet. But the journey, filled with hilarious misadventures and raunchy escapades, teaches all three more than they expected about life and love. Randy, raucous and unexpectedly romantic, Sex Drive follows three friends on the road trip of a lifetime

Ian Lafferty (Josh Zuckerman) can't seem to catch a break. He's taunted by his cocksure older brother Rex (James Marsden), shown up in the romance department by his 14-year-old younger brother and humiliated by his job at a mall donut shop. But Ian's biggest problem is that he's about to start college as a virgin!

Getting nowhere with the girl of his dreams and longtime best friend Felicia (Amanda Crew), Ian resorts to the Internet for dates. He soon hooks up with Ms. Tasty, a flaming hot blonde who can't wait to get busy. The only catch: Ian has to drive 500 miles from Chicago to Knoxville to consummate the deal.

Egged on by his devil-may-care pal Lance (Clark Duke), Ian risks life and limb by appropriating The Judge, Rex's prized vintage Pontiac GTO. With Lance and Felicia in tow, he hits the road for a one-time rendezvous that will rock his world!

Car trouble, a stint in the pokey, a buggy tow with an Amish farmer (Seth Green) and an afternoon at a roadside carnival all complicate Ian's journey. As he presses on to get to Knoxville before Ms. Tasty gives up and goes home, the trio's trail of mayhem closes in on them with hilarious consequences. Will Rex find Ian before he reaches Nirvana? Will a cuckolded husband exact revenge on Lance just as he seems to have found true love? Will Ms. Tasty live up to her Internet profile? Will Ian realize what he really wants? And most importantly, Will Ian, Felicia and Lance survive the bumpy road to adulthood with all its unexpected twists and turns?.


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