السبت، 18 يوليو 2009

البلد دي فيها حكومه

البلد دي فيها حكومه

بطولة :

علا غانم
عزت ابو عوف
تامر هجرس
غاده عبد الرازق
هيدي كرم
نرمين ماهر
جمال الزناتي

قصة الفلم

ويتناول الفيلم بحسب مخرجه مظاهر الفساد في جهاز الشرطة الذي يقوم بكشفها ضابط شرطة شاب عقب إلقائه القبض على أحد أكبر تجار المخدرات ليكتشف أن كثيرا من رؤسائه متورطون في القضية كما يكتشف أن رئيسه المباشر شخصيا متورط في عمليات غسيل أموال واسعة لصالح تجار مخدرات. وأضاف المخرج أن الفيلم يؤكد أن الفساد موجود في كل القطاعات لكن هذا لا يعني تركه أو التغاضي عن الفاسدين وإنما يلزم مواجهته وكشف القائمين عليه مهما كانت النتائج

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50Cent - Ok You

50Cent - Ok You

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[Christina Aguilera - Videography - 27 Videos Dvd-Rip- RMVB Format]

Christina Aguilera

Christina María Aguilera (born December 18, 1980) is an American pop singer and songwriter. Aguilera first appeared on national television in 1990 as a contestant on the Star Search program, and went on to star in Disney Channel's television series The New Mickey Mouse Club from 1993–1994. Aguilera signed to RCA Records after recording "Reflection" for the film Mulan. She came to prominence following her debut album Christina Aguilera (1999), which was a commercial success spawning three number one singles on the Billboard Hot 100. A Latin pop album, Mi Reflejo (2001), and several collaborations followed which garnered Aguilera worldwide success but she was displeased with her lack of input in her music and image.

After parting from her management, Aguilera took creative control over her second studio album Stripped (2002), which received mixed reviews and produced substantial sales. The second single, "Beautiful", was a commercial success and sustained the album's sales amidst controversy over Aguilera's sexual image. Aguilera's third studio album Back to Basics (2006), included elements of soul, jazz, and blues music, and was released to positive critical reception.

Aside from being known for her vocal ability, music videos and ever-changing image, musically, she includes themes of dealing with public scrutiny, her childhood, and female empowerment in her music. Apart from her work in music, she has also dedicated much of her time as a philanthropist for charities, human rights and world issues. Aguilera's work has earned her numerous awards, including four Grammy Awards and one Latin Grammy Award, amongst eighteen nominations. She has become one of the most successful recording artists of the decade, selling more than 42 million albums worldwide

Samples From Clips (there 27 Clips )


Britney Spears -Radar

Britney Spears -Radar

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Eminem - Beautiful

Eminem - Beautiful

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Walet FT. Lady Gaga - Chillin proper

Walet FT. Lady Gaga - Chillin proper

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Pink - Funhouse

Pink - Funhouse

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Black Eyed Peas - I gotta feeling

Black Eyed Peas - I gotta feeling

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الاثنين، 13 يوليو 2009



تدور أحداث الفيلم حول شاب من عائلة مرموقة فى المجتمع ولكن مفككة، أفرادها منغمسين فى تحقيق مصالحهم الذاتية، فنشأ وحيدا يبحث عن ذاته ويجد ضالته فى عصيانه لأسرته و إرتكابه للجريمة منذ نشأته، ويمر الزمن وتزداد قدراته الأجرامية و توحشه فى تنفيذ تلك الجرائم وتتنوع علاقاته بالمجتمع الأجرامى، فنجده يشترك فى عمليات تجارة السلاح وعمليات الإغتيال السياسية، ثم تقوده الأقدار فى إقامة علاقة حب مع فتاة جميلة تغير معالم حياته ويشعر لأول مرة بمعنى الحب ودفئه و يحاول أن يحصل على الأموال لإقامة حياة جديدة مع حبيبته فيعقد النية على أرتكاب آخر جرائمه ليحقق ذلك.

هاني سلامه
نيكول سابا
خالد الصاوي
سامي العدل
سوسن بدر
نبيل الحلفاوي

قصة :
خالد عكاشة

سيناريو وحوار :
خالد الصاوى
عطية الدرديري

سعد هنداوى

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A Light Sleep (2008)

(A Light Sleep (2008

Sixteen-year-old Yeo Lin used to have a boyfriend and normal life, but everything changed when she lost both her parents two years ago. To support her siblings, she sells her body. Quietly bearing wounds and responsibilities beyond her age, she faces the cruel trials of love, friendship, and premature adulthood, and she does it all in seeming detachment. Always tired, Yeo Lin suffers from chronic insomnia and relies on medication to sleep. For Yeo Lin, sleep is an escape that she wakes from too soon. Directed by Lim Seong Chan, the 2008 indie drama A Light Sleep sensitively depicts the ordeals faced by an insomniac high school girl forced to grow up too soon. Teenaged newcomer Choi Ah Jin delivers a mature and compelling performance in the leading role.

الفلم يدور حول (يو لين) ذات الستة عشر ربيعا والتي اعادت ان ين تيكون لها صديق وان تكون حياتها طبيعيه. ولكن كل شيء قد تغير بعد ان خسرت والداها منذ عامان , ولكي تستطيع اعالة اشقائها قامت ببيع جسدها. مسؤولية كبيره حملتها هذه الفتاه رغم صغر سنها ، لقد منعت نفسها عن الحب والصداقة وعن المراهقة الطبيعيه , وقد ابتعدث عن كل ذلك كانها فصلت نفسها تماما عن كل ماهو طبيعي.
داما كانت (يو لين) تعاني الارهاق والأرق المزمن وتعتمد على الادوية لتنام ، بالنسة لها كان النوم هو الهروب من الواقع المرير الذي تعيشه.

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Dolan's Cadillac (2009)

Dolan's Cadillac (2009)

A dark revenge tale about Las Vegas middle school science teacher (Robinson) whose beloved wife (Elizabeth) witnesses an execution in the desert and is then targeted for death by the mobster who committed it, notorious Vegas crime lord Jimmy Dolan. Dolan's vast wealth stems from his human trafficking operations. Dolan succeeds in having Elizabeth killed before she can testify against him. Without a witness to the murders, Dolan goes free, and Robinson must avenge Elizabeth's death on his own.

قصة الفلم تدور رحول انتقام من مدرس العولو (روبنسون) والذي شهدت زوجته (اليزابيث)عملية قتل في الصحراء ولذا يحددها القاتل لكي تكون هدفه التالي لعدم كشف هويته وينجح في هذا ويقتلها ولكن هل يسكت زوجها المحبوب عن ذلك !!! ام يسعى للانتقام
وقلب المائدة على الجميع هذا ما سنعرفه مع فلمنا الأكثر من رائع

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Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009)

Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009)

Their women having been enslaved by the local pack of lesbian vampires thanks to an ancient curse, the remaining menfolk of a rural town send two hapless young lads out onto the moors as a sacrifice.


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Perro come perro (Dog Eat Dog) (2008)

Perro come perro (Dog Eat Dog) (2008)

In the crime world of Colombia, there is an unwritten code. When Víctor and Eusebio, two hoods who bungle a shake-down job, break that code, they unwittingly sign their own death sentence.
One song brings the title of Dog eat Dog to life, The Colombian film that participates for the firs time in the international Sundance Film Festival and that competes along with other 15 films in the category of dramatic film.
Set in the Colombian crime world, Carlos Moreno’s smartly scripted debut feature, Perro Come Perro, depicts a brutal universe where gangsters are as vicious as rabid street dogs and voodoo reigns as the supreme form of punishment, doling out karmic fate to its thuggish denizens. El Orejón is a violent and agoraphobic crime boss who lives surrounded by telescopes in a luxury high-rise apartment in the center of the city. When his godson William Medina is killed, he beseeches Iris, a voodoo priestess, to avenge the murder by casting a deadly spell on the shooter. While Iris conducts her black magic, miles from her a small-town heavy named Victor Peñaranda is carrying out a job to collect money from a slippery pair of twins. He makes a disastrous decision to break the sacred law of the crime world--he keeps the cash for himself...

في عالم الجريمة في كولومبيا - هنالك قانون غير مكتوب . حينما يقوم (فكتور) و (ايوسبيو) بخرق هذا القانون .فقد قامو بدون ارادتهم بالتوقيع على شهادة وفاتهم.

الفلم غاية في التشويق والإثاره اتمى لكم وقتا ممتعا

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Streets of Blood (2009)

Streets of Blood (2009)

A police officer's partner has died during Hurricane Katrina, but he later discovers that his partner may have been murdered. An investigation follows, taking the officer and his new partner into the depths of the criminal underworld.

شريك ضابط للشرطة قد توفي خلال اعصار كاتيرنا لكن تزظهر معلومات جديده
تدل على انه قد فتل ومع التحقيقات في القضية يذهب الشرطي وشكيكه الجديد الى عالم
الجريمة فهل يعثرون على مبتاغهم وما دور رشارون ستون في هذا ؟!!

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Duplicity (2009)

Duplicity (2009)

Closer co-stars Julia Roberts and Clive Owen reunite for Oscar-nominated director Tony Gilroy's drama tracing the illicit love affair between two spies-turned-corporate operatives. The Cold War has thawed, and for CIA agents seeking to make an easy mint, the real money is in multinational corporations. CIA officer Claire Stenwick (Roberts) and Ray Koval (Owen) are both racing to secure the formula for a product that will bring untold wealth to the company that lands the patent first as the stakes begin to rise, and their passions start to flare. Meanwhile, their mutual employers, industry giant Howerd Tully (Tom Wilkinson) and trailblazing CEO Dick Garsil (Paul Giamatti) start resorting to some seriously underhanded tactics in hope of gaining an advantage over the competition. Loners by definition of their own careers, Claire and Ray engage in a series of schemes and double-crosses while contending with the fact that their mutual attraction could ultimately jeopardize their entire missions.

تتحدث قصة الفلم عن عميلان يشتركان في العمل في شركتين متنافستين , ,حيث يكون الهدف هو الدفاع عن منتج من منتججات الشركة و الصيغة العامة له من السرقة. حتى يأخذ هذا المنتج برائة إختراع . حيث أن المنتج يتوقع أنه سوف يحقق الارباح الكثيرة للشركة .لذا يعمل كل منهما في شركة ليقوموا بعملية خداع للشركتين و ليستحوذوا على المنتج . لكن اثناء الفلم يتبين أن كل منهما لايستطيع أن يثق في الآخر و العملية كلها خداع بـخداع Duplicity


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The Scratch (2009)

The Scratch (2009)

Jake, a rookie private eye, spends each day minding a small private investigation office and filing papers. Dying for more action Jake jumps at the chance to be in on a big score. His boss outlines the heist that will make the whole team rich and tells them about a kidnapped computer hacker who downloaded something he shouldn't have. Therein lies the caper; rescue the hacker and retrieve the downloaded booty for themselves. But things don't always go as planned. The heist turns deadly when a hidden agenda is revealed leading to an explosive climax of betrayal and revenge.

يدور الفلم حول الجاسوسان (جاك) و (روكي) يمضيان وقتهم يوميا في التحقيقات وكتابة الاوراق تاتي فرصة ل (جاك) ليصبح في موقع افضل حيث يعمل خطة بان هنالك مخترق اخترق نظام العمل وقام بتحميل شيء ليس من حقه تحميله وقام بطلنا الهمام هنا بالقبض عليه والحفاظ على اسرار الشركة لكن تحري الرياح بما با تشتهي السفن فماذا سيحصل هذا ما ستعرفونه مع الفلم الرائع


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The Fifth Commandment (2008)

The Fifth Commandment (2008)

Although the fifth commandment says, "Honor thy mother and thy father," at least one parent's behavior is less than honorable in this World Film drama. Carl Winters, a music teacher (Jules Steger), is in love with Alice Winthrop, a banker's daughter. The banker thoroughly disapproves of the match, but the couple wed anyhow. Carl travels to Rio de Janero to take a position as musical director, and Alice promises to follow once he has established himself. But when her father discovers she is pregnant, he convinces her to come home and then intercepts the correspondence between her and her husband. Alice dies after having a daughter, and when Carl receives the cable he is grief-stricken. He winds up in the hospital for along stay and when he comes out, makes a living by singing on the streets. Years later he returns to New York and encounters his daughter, now grown. Without knowing each others' identities, she asks him to sing for her birthday. So Carl goes to the Winthrop home and discovers that the girl is his daughter. The banker, still hard of heart, offers him money to keep his identity a secret. But the he has a change of heart and then tells the girl that she must "honor her father." The cast to this picture is clearly comprised of stage actors -- they are more concerned with orating at the camera instead of acting.

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The Escapist (2008)

The Escapist (2008)

Frank Perry is an institutionalized convict fourteen years into a life sentence without parole. When his estranged daughter falls ill, he is determined to make peace with her before it's too late. He develops an ingenious escape plan, and recruits a dysfunctional band of escapists - misfits with unique skills required for their daring plan and united by desire to escape their hell hole of an existence. Much of the action takes place within the tunnels, sewers and underground rivers of subterranean London.

يدور الفلم حول (فرانك بيري) المحكوم بالمؤبد بدون اطلاق سارح نهائيا ، حينما تمرض بنته يصمم على ان يراها قبل فوات الاوان فيصمم خطة للهروب من السجن بمعونة باقي المساجين فيفرون عبر المجارير والانفاق ويواجهون .....

هذا ما ستعرفونه بعد مشاهدتكم الفلم ، الفلم ممتع للغاية

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